Bidding Quarterly

Bidding Quarterly

Bidding Quarterly is an award-winning publication that provides the global bid and proposal profession with impartial advice, shared experiences, market trends and best practice. The panel of independent experts and guest writers that contribute to BQ generously volunteer their time and are passionate about developing the skills and knowledge of all those who work in our profession.

Issue 19 - Exploring The Bid Lifecycle

BQ19 offers you 32 fantastic articles from our brilliant panel of Experts, exploring all phases of the Bid Lifecycle. They offer step by step advice for fine tuning your approach to meeting your clients’ requirements and improving your win rate. Technology will undeniably be part of your solution, but it is only one tool. BQ19 will help you consider ALL the fantastic ways (tech and non-tech) you can increase your productivity and, ultimately, your success. I hope you enjoy it.

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Issue 18 - Secrets to Success

BQ18 is absolutely loaded with quick wins and secrets to success. With 24 brilliant articles and 4 fabulous Win in 60 Seconds videos, our panel of experts have once again generously shared their wisdom and experience to help you develop industry leading knowledge and skills and, ultimately, win more often.

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Issue 17 - Industrial Evolution

We have never seen greater demand for specialist industry knowledge and skills within the bid and proposal profession. Many of our clients are very specific about the industrial background and experience they seek. Our team of BQ Experts brings an unparalleled breadth of knowledge and experience to this topic and have generously shared their unique perspectives in BQ17. We hope you enjoy the 22 fantastic articles and can take advantage of the many opportunities arising from the Industrial Evolution.

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Issue 16 - Performance Management and Measuring Success

What does success look like for you and your team? How do you continually improve performance? If you can’t easily answer these questions, the 20 fantastic articles in BQ16 can help. They offer more than 25 different metrics for measuring and assessing performance.

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Issue 15 - Bid Technology: Stories of Triumph and Challenge

BQ15 features 19 excellent articles from our team of global BQ Experts and guest authors. They explore the latest bid technology and artificial intelligence in the bidding world and present thoughts and ideas for how this technology can best be used right now and in the future.

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Issue 14 - Good Practice v Best Practice

BQ14 features 19 brilliant articles from our team of global BQ Experts. Ultimately, everyone has their own beliefs about what best practice is or should be – as demonstrated in this issue of BQ. Which articles align with your beliefs? Which articles make you question what you thought you knew about best practice?

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Issue 13 - Riding the Wave

BQ13 features 14 brilliant articles from our team of global BQ Experts. They discuss the current wave of prosperity within our profession and offer their views on if we’re riding a freak wave or if it’s fundamentally here to stay.

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Issue 12 - The Culture Club

BQ12 features 15 fantastic articles from our team of global BQ Experts. It explores a wide range of cultural preferences whilst offering strategies, insight, and advice for how best to manage diverse cultures within a bid environment.

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Issue 11 - WIBAP

BQ11 has 12 brilliant articles from BQ Experts, the WIBAP team and a few of their Allies. Containing stories of hope, new beginnings and the breaking down of barriers, it also tackles head on the uncomfortable truths about our historically male-dominated profession. I applaud all the contributors for their honesty, bravery and leadership with their shared goal of eradicating inequality.

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Issue 10 - Old Father Time

BQ10 features twenty fantastic articles from our brilliant team of experts. They discuss everything from time management techniques, to self-care in challenging times, differentiating between common and best practice, and social learning techniques. You’ll learn about ‘reader drag’, ‘bid unicorns’ and diminished attention spans. The quality of the contributions from our panel of experts and guest writers – their shared experience, wisdom, advice, guidance, excitement, sadness, vulnerability, honesty and humour – is beyond anything we have previously published. It’s our biggest and best publication.

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Issue 9 - Necessity Is The Mother of Invention

BQ9 is jam-packed with inspirational stories of tackling adversity head-on and thriving beyond it. Nigel Hudson, no stranger to adversity himself, kindly agreed to act as editor-in-chief for BQ9 and what a fantastic job he’s done.

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Issue 8 - Catch Me If You Can

Capture Management is without question in vogue. It may have been enshrined in your sales process for years, or perhaps you are new to the concept and considering its merits? Either way, it’s a pretty certain bet that one of your competitors is investing heavily in it right now.

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Issue 7 - Freelancing. Finally the Facts

There are now over 1,000 bid and proposal contractors, consultants and freelancers delivering services in the UK. Having passed this milestone, it felt like an appropriate time to dig beneath the surface and find out exactly what life is like for those that made the transition – mostly from permanent employment.

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Issue 6 - Pursue Your Passion

Whilst canvassing ideas for Issue 6, we were overwhelmed by the energy and passion our experts showed for a variety of different subjects. Rather than stifle this, we decided to remove the shackles and let our experts run free. The only request? Write about something you are truly passionate about right now in the bid and proposal profession.

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Issue 5 - Evolving the Profession in 2019

At the time of writing, 2019 has significant uncertainty surrounding it. Thankfully, our experts are adept at dealing with such ambiguity and have provided a fantastic set of articles in Issue 5 of Bidding Quarterly, full of great ideas and suggestions to evolve our profession in 2019.

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Issue 4 - The Hidden Costs of Bidding

With more than 1 in 4 people now expected to be impacted by mental health problems, there has never been a more important time to prioritise your own well-being. I really hope you enjoy this edition of BQ and can take some useful learnings from it to manage your own personal well-being. If you have any specific questions, our experts can be reached via our homepage.

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Issue 3 - Putting yourself first in 2018

Putting ourselves first is generally a difficult and often unnatural thing to do. We all claim to be ‘team-players’ on our CVs and are regularly reminded by the corporate and sport worlds that there is no ‘I’ in ‘Team’. So how then are we supposed to flip this paradigm on its head and justify finding the ‘me’ in ‘Team’? Thankfully, help is at hand. Issue 3 of Bidding Quarterly and our panel of experts tackle this subject head on, in our biggest and most comprehensive edition yet. If you are eager to develop yourself and stand out from the crowd in 2018, we have 12 thought-provoking articles that are brimming with ideas, tips and actionable plans that can get you started today.

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Issue 2 - Bid Utopia

Utopia can be interpreted in many different ways. A utopian ‘bid society’ might be one where everyone is happy and its systems and processes run perfectly to deliver the perfect solution.

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Issue 1 - Hope is not a strategy

Tales, insight and opinion from Bid Industry Experts.

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